Why can't I resist sagging after using a lifting mask? Anti-aging remember simple 2 points

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Sagging and fine lines actually belong to the category of facial aging

Sagging and fine lines actually belong to the category of facial aging. Healthy and young skin should be elastic, as we often say, full of collagen. Healthy skin should be well-hydrated, elastic, plump, and plump. So, when the skin is dry, the skin will appear dull, fine lines will increase, and the face will look shriveled.

Here's a special note: when the skin is dry, fine lines look obvious. It is a visual effect, but it does not mean that dryness causes fine lines. This is not the same concept.

Next, let’s talk about the reasons for aging:

Fine lines and sagging of the skin are mainly due to the loss or damage of collagen and collagen fibers in the dermis. In the dermis: collagen, collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid combine to form a three-dimensional structure that supports skin elasticity. Collagen maintains skin tension, which is tough but poorly elastic.

Collagen is synthesized in collagen fibroblasts and broken down by extracellular metalloproteinases. As we age, the rate of collagen synthesis decreases gradually, but the rate of breakdown increases.


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